Kukd.com React Native App
Kukd.com is an app written with Expo (React Native) for iOS and Android devices.
The experience with React Native and Expo has been great. You can take a look at a blog post I wrote about why you should pick it for your next project.
This project is a food delivery app with table booking, menu, cart, payment, order tracking and user accounts.
App Features and technologies used
- The language of choice was Typescript.
- The app was made using Expo an exceptional platform for building mobile apps using React Native.
- The styling was made using Styled-Components.
- Basket/Cart state management was handled on the server with React Query
- Payment system with Checkout.com integration for credit card payments.
- User and location state management on the client-side with React Context API and the React useReducer Hook
- RESTful API with Node.js and Express.js with custom lean routes for the React Native app using compatible data and models with the Kukd.com website